
  • А. С. Бєліков Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури, Україна
  • О. О. Дядюшенко Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки ім. Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Україна
  • О. С. Діброва Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки ім. Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Україна
  • О. В. Грушовінчук Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки ім. Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Україна
  • А. А. Хижняк Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки ім. Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Україна
  • І. О. Ножко Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки ім. Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Україна



Ключові слова:

пожежна безпека, піротехнічні вироби на основі багатокомпонентних нітратно-металізованих сумішей, процеси загоряння та розвитку горіння


Problem statement. The problem of the lack of a database for evaluating the fire-hazardous properties of pyrotechnic products under conditions of external thermal influences significantly complicates the prediction of the fire-hazardous properties of pyrotechnic mixtures under conditions of various external thermal influences (for example, in the event of ignition of warehouses where pyrotechnic products equipped with charges from the mixtures in question are stored, under conditions of transportation at intense convective heating of their surfaces, or during aerodynamic heating of the metal shells of products during firing and flight), an important characteristic of which is the heat flow that heats the metal cases of pyrotechnic products to critical temperatures that may exceed the flash point of metal fuels in gaseous products of thermal decomposition of oxidants. Purpose of the article is to obtain such a database on the ignition temperature of the particles of the considered metals under conditions of elevated heating temperatures and external pressures in the form of simple experimental and statistical models, convenient for practical evaluations. To solve this problem, the methods of experimental and statistical modeling were used and specialized software was developed using regression and interpolation methods, which allows you to calculate the levels of ignition temperatures of metal fuel particles in gaseous products O2 + N2 (main products decomposition of nitrate-containing oxidizers [1; 12; 15; 18; 19]), which characterize their ability to accelerate the ignition process under conditions of elevated heating temperatures and external pressures. Conclusion. New regularities of the complex influence of various controlled parameters on the ignition temperature of magnesium particles in the products of thermal decomposition of nitrate-containing oxidizers have been established. The combustion processes of pyrotechnic metal fuel powders were simulated and the influence of controlled parameters on the ignition temperature of magnesium metal fuel particles was determined, which is necessary for the further formation of a database on the fire-hazardous properties of pyrotechnic products under conditions of external thermal influences.


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Kyrychenko O.V., Dibrova O.S., Motrichuk R.B., Tyshchenko E.O. and Tsybulin V.V. Vyznachennya dopustymykh rezhymiv nahrivu pirotekhnichnykh sumishey pry yikh ekspluatatsiyi [Determination of permissible modes of heating of pyrotechnic mixtures during their operation]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2018, no. 2, pp. 5–11. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Dibrova O.S., Motrichuk R.B., Baranovskyi O.S. and Tsybulin V.V. Vyznachennya vmistu vysokotemperaturnoho kondensatu v produktakh z·horyannya pirotekhnichnykh nitratno-metalevykh sumishey pry pidvyshchenykh zovnishnikh tyskakh [Determination of the content of high-temperature condensate in the combustion products of pyrotechnic nitrate-metal mixtures at elevated external pressures]. Nauka ta vyrobnytstvo : mizhvuz. temat. zb. nauk. pr. [Science and Production : interuniversity thematic collection of scientific works]. 2018, іss. 19, pp. 323–332 (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Dibrova O.S., Motrichuk R.B., Vashchenko V.A. and Kolinko S.O. Doslidzhennya spalakhuvannya ta horinnya chastynok alyuminiyevo-mahnievykh splaviv u produktakh rozkladannya tverdykh pirotekhnichnykh palyv [Research on the ignition and burning of particles of aluminum-magnesium alloys in the decomposition products of solid pyrotechnic fuels]. Naukovyy visnyk : Tsyvilʹnyy zakhyst ta pozhezhna bezpeka [Scientific Bulletin : Civil Protection and Fire Safety]. 2019, no. 2 (8), pp. 81–85. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Dibrova O.S., Motrichuk R.B., Vashchenko V.A., Kolinko S.O. and Tsybulin V.V. Doslidzhennya vplyvu mitsnosti zaryadiv pirotekhnichnykh nitratnoymetalevykh sumishey na pozhezhnu bezpeku vyrobiv na yikh osnovi [Study of the impact of the strength of charges of pyrotechnic nitrate-metal mixtures on the fire safety of products on their basis]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2019, no. 3, pp. 56–67. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Motrichuk R.B., Dibrova O.S., Melnyk V.P., Vashchenko V.A. and Butenko T.I. Doslidzhennya spalakhuvannya ta horinnya chastynok metalevoho palʹnoho u produktakh rozkladannya nitratovmisnykh okysnyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pry zovnishnikh termichnykh vplyvakh [Study of ignition and burning of metal fuel particles in decomposition products of nitrate-containing oxidants and organic substances under external thermal influences]. Problemy pozharnoy bezopasnosti : sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Problems of Fire Safety : collection of scientific works]. 2020, no. 47, pp. 50–59. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Dibrova O.S., Motrichuk R.B., Vashchenko V.A., Kolinko S.O., Butenko T.I. and Tsybulin V.V. Vyznachennya krytychnykh rezhymiv rozvytku protsesiv horinnya pirotekhnichnykh nitratno-metalevykh sumishey v umovakh zovnishnikh termichnykh diy [Determination of critical modes of development of pyrotechnic combustion processes of nitrate-metal mixtures under conditions of external thermal effects]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2020, no. 2, pp. 123–133. (in Ukrainian).

Dibrova O., Kyrychenko O., Motrychuk R., Tomenko M. and Melnyk V. Fire safety improvement of pyrotechnic nitrate-metal mixtures under external thermal conditions. Technology Audit and Production Reserves (ISSN 2664-9969). 2020, no. 1/1 (51), pp. 44–49.

Dibrova O.S., Kyrychenko O.V., Motrichuk R.B. and Vashchenko V.A. Zakonomirnosti vplyvu tekhnolohichnykh parametriv na pozhezhnu bezpeku pirotekhnichnykh nitratno-tytanovykh sumishey v umovakh zovnishnikh termichnykh diy [Patterns of influence of technological parameters on fire safety of pyrotechnic nitrate-titanium mixtures under conditions of external thermal effects]. International Scientific Journal “Internauka”. 2020, no. 5/5798. URL: http://www.inter-nauka.com (in Ukrainian).

Motrichuk R.B., Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Kolinko S.O., Butenko T.I, Kyrychenko Ye.P. and Tsybulin V.V. Zakonomirnosti vplyvu tekhnolohichnykh parametriv ta zovnishnikh chynnykiv na temperaturu ta sklad produktiv z·horyannya pirotekhnichnykh nitratno-metalevykh sumishey [Patterns of influence of technological parameters and external factors on the temperature and composition of combustion products of pyrotechnic nitrate-metal mixtures]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2020, no. 4, pp. 131–142. (in Ukrainian).

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Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Akinshin V.D. and Tsybulin V.V. Spalakhuvannya chastynok alyuminiyu v produktakh rozkladannya nitratovmisnykh okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey pry pidvyshchenykh temperaturakh nahrivu [Ignition of aluminum particles in decomposition products of nitrate-containing oxidizers and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures at elevated heating temperatures]. Pozhezhna bezpeka : teoriya i praktyka : zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ [Fire Safety : Theory and Practice : collection of scientific works]. Cherkasy APB named after Heroes of Chernobyl, 2011, no. 9. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Tsybulin V.V. and Tyshchenko S.O. Vysokotemperaturne okyslennya mahniyu v produktakh rozkladannya nitratovmisnykh okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey pry zovnishnikh termovplyvakh [High-temperature oxidation of magnesium in decomposition products of nitrate-containing oxidizers and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures under external thermal influences]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2011, no. 3, pp. 115–120. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A. and Tsybulin V.V. Termichne rozkladannya dobavok orhanichnykh rechovyn v pirotekhnichnykh sumishakh v umovakh zovnishnikh termovplyviv [Thermal decomposition of additives of organic substances in pyrotechnic mixtures under conditions of external thermal influences]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2011, no. 4,

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Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Tsybulin V.V., and Tupytskyi V.M. Termichne rozkladannya nitratovimisnykh okyslyuvachiv pirotekhnichnykh sumishey v umovakh zovnishnikh termovplyviv [Thermal decomposition of nitrate-containing oxidizers of pyrotechnic mixtures under conditions of external thermal influences]. Naukovyy visnyk UkrNDIPB [Scientific Bulletin of UkrNDIPB]. 2011, no. 2 (24), pp. 71–79. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Tsybulin V.V. and Tupytskyi V.M. Vysokotemperaturne okyslennya alyuminiyu v produktakh rozkladannya okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey v umovakh zovnishnʹoho nahrivu. [High-temperature oxidation of aluminum in decomposition products of oxidants and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures under external heating conditions]. Naukovyy visnyk UkrNDIPB [Scientific Bulletin of UkrNDIPB]. 2011, no. 1 (24), pp. 47–53. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Tsybulin V.V. and Tupytskyi V.M. Spalakhuvannya chastynok tsyrkoniyu v produktakh termichnoho rozkladannya nitratovmisnykh okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey pry pidvyshchenykh temperaturakh nahrivu [Ignition of zirconium particles in products of thermal decomposition of nitrate-containing oxidizers and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures at elevated heating temperatures]. Visnyk Cherkasʹkoho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu [Bulletin of the Cherkasy State Technological University]. 2012, no. 1, pp. 31–38. (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V., Vashchenko V.A., Tsybulin V.V. and Tupytskyi V.M. Vysokotemperaturne okyslennya metalichnykh palʹnykh v produktakh rozkladannya okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey v umovakh zovnishnʹoho nahrivu [High-temperature oxidation of metallic fuels in decomposition products of oxidants and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures under external heating conditions]. Naukovyy visnyk UkrNDIPB [Scientific Bulletin of UkrNDIPB]. 2011, no. 3 (24). (in Ukrainian).

Kyrychenko O.V. Vysokotemperaturne okyslennya tsyrkoniyu v produktakh rozkladannya nitratovmisnykh okyslyuvachiv ta orhanichnykh rechovyn pirotekhnichnykh sumishey pry zovnishnʹomu nahrivi [High-temperature oxidation of zirconium in decomposition products of nitrate-containing oxidizers and organic substances of pyrotechnic mixtures under external heating]. Pozhezhna bezpeka : teoriya i praktyka : zbirnyk naukovykh pratsʹ [Fire Safety: Theory and Practice : collection of scientific works]. Cherkasy : APB named after Heroes of Chernobyl, 2012, no. 10. (in Ukrainian).


